Soldiers, Kings, and Curses Broken ~ Twelve Dancing Princesses Recap

PC: Dmitris Vetsikas @ pixabay

How is it the end of October already? Please tell me I’m not the only person feeling like October was a blur.

Most of the trees here are already bare, and I woke up to snow (like, three inches of it) yesterday morning. The arctic storm even got school canceled…in OCTOBER. Quite a feat for a Northern Rockies town.

Here on FTC, we’re ready to wrap up the Twelve Dancing Princesses and move on to another tale. Well. I’m not sure we’re actually ready to wrap it up, but the hands of time march ever on, and we bow to them. For today only. We’ll stage a time rebellion some other day, when we aren’t so tired.

Behind the Scenes

Kristen had her second baby! He’s adorable. Huge points to her for keeping up with FTC book reviews while in the last stage of pregnancy.

October was mostly insane behind the scenes. Besides Kiri’s baby + her momming + most of us busy with day jobs, the big thing for all of us this month was…preparation for National Novel Writing Month! (DAY. AFTER. TOMORROW. AAAH.) Christine will have more details on that tomorrow.

Writing Prompt

This month’s writing prompt was another multiple choice! I really enjoyed putting it together. Feel free to still write a scene for it, even though the month is over. And you’ll be able to see more Twelve Dancing Princesses prompts on this page soon.

I love reading your scenes every month, and October had some great bloggers participating. Scroll down to the comments on the prompt post to see everyone else’s answers. Our Christine and our Kirsten both wrote scenes this month.

I’ve been working a lot—on top of moving earlier this year, so I haven’t written for the prompts in a while. I’m thinking I’m going to sit down next month, after NaNo, and write up scenes for each prompt. Nice Christmas-y activity, no? It’ll be great fun. Besides, I have to do something while waiting for the Rise of Skywalker to come out. *keeps counting down the days*

Twelve Dancing Princesses Around the Web


We did do our monthly instagram challenges again, a readers’ and a writers’ edition. I got sick toward the end of the challenge, which was annoying. So both Instagrams have been kind of quiet for a few days, but definitely go check out the FTC challenge and the IWG challenge tags. There are some beautiful pictures and delicious books highlighted.


For a preview of our next tale and a little more news about the FTC girls’ NaNo novels, come back tomorrow for Christine’s post!

What was your favorite part about Twelve Dancing Princesses month?

One thought on “Soldiers, Kings, and Curses Broken ~ Twelve Dancing Princesses Recap

  1. Definitely feel like October flew by!! I was sort of intending to post about my 12 Dark Knights WIP, but… it didn’t happen!!
    I did get a lot of other thins done, though, so I’m feeling pretty prepared for NaNo, and can’t wait!!!
    For the first time in EVER I actually have thoughts all planned to write about, and am waiting for the month to start!!! ❤


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